Friday, November 23, 2018

Small Business Saturday

Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday. Lets take this opportunity to tell our local stores how much we do appreciate them and how much we count on them being there. Here are a few. Go show them your love tomorrow. Related image
Tyler and Longview

Sharman’s Sewing Center  FB—
Crafts & Quilting Etc. FB—

ADDRESS—905 E. Tyler St.,Athens, Texas 75751 - Phone (903) 670-3434


I am sure I have missed a few so feel free to add in the comments local stores that we can support instead of going to the big boxes. 

Friday, October 12, 2018

Sewing Yoga - by Angie Clemons

Yo Quilt friends,

Pretty sure I've created a new form of yoga at my sit-down quilting machine. I get on a roll and instead of stopping to reposition my hands I find myself strrrretched across the table and quilt (which is not what I'm supposed to be doing). If I drop my scissors I bend and stretch trying to reach them without having to get outta my chair. The power button is at the back of the machine. Being short means I get another stretch in my routine as I reach for the button. I know I can't reach it with my left hand but I try it every stinkin' time, so I have to go at it again with the right. Grrr! The bobbin is located under the machine table so I almost stand on my head to put in a new bobbin. The end of the quilt yoga routine is determined by whether or not my thread tension was good or a struggle. When it's good I end my session with a peaceful "sighhhhhh". When it's bad I might chunk my quilt, my chakras, and whatever else is nearby across the room.

Rhonda Chapman taught a Bionic Gear Bag workshop last week and it was great! What a good, patient teacher!! And, wow, did she ever need that patience. Ha! People keep asking if I'm going to make another. Maybe someday, but not today. It's a lot more work than the wristlet and placement bags I usually make, but way more cool. 

Serger workshop is Saturday, October 27. Can't wait! We also have a couple of charity sew days coming up to work on the quilt for Quiltcon. We need all hands on deck to knock out that bad boy. Annnnnd, the monthly meeting is set for the 4th thurs (October 25th) where Kate and Rhonda are planning to demonstrate how to make zipper pouches in the hoop on their embroidery machines. Boggles my mind!
Fall is finally here! Whooooooop! Is there anything better than working on a quilt and sipping a cuppa hot tea (or coffee or wine) when the weather is cool? And I'm my case, while also watching college football on tv. Bliss.
Join us on Sew Day or as meeting!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

TMQG Summer Activities - by Angie Clemons

Hello! This has been a HOT summer, but not as hot as the sewing, embroidery, and quilting machines belonging to our members! The crazy high temps have made it ideal to stay in the air conditioning to sew and create. The TMQG has kept us inspired by hosting Sew Days, workshops, and providing great instruction in guild programs.

This week, Susan Gutierrez (president of TMQG) did a great workshop on making a jelly roll rug. Participants purchased the pattern by Roma Lambson of RJ Designs and were guided and assisted by Susan.

Next month member Rhonda Chapman will do the same with the bionic bag (purchase pattern here) 
Vice President of Programming Teri Morris lined up some great programs this summer which included a trunk show of fantastic quilts by member Beckey Prior , and instruction for a simple and quick method of binding quilts presented by member Kat Drinkwater (founder of Covered In Love quilt charity benefitting patients in hospice at UTHealth/Tyler). Member Melanie Dossey gave instruction and tips for free motion quilting on our domestic sewing machines, while this week Tricia Harvey (vice president) gave a tutorial on small piecing for creating the QuiltCon Charity Quilt as well as a presentation on what constitutes Modern Quilting. 

Several "end of the year" events are being scheduled, including our Christmas gathering. This year each member will make a decorative holiday pillow for a gift exchange.  It's always amazing to see what our talented members create. We will also have some business to tend to with the annual election of officers for the Guild. Anyone interested in taking a leadership role should contact one of the current officers to be included on the ballot. (Contact and membership information is listed on this blog.) We welcome input, fresh ideas, constructive criticism, and mostly... participation.

I must say, as a beginning quilter, that I have received so much instruction from the many knowledgeable and experienced quilters in the TMQG, as well as unlimited encouragement. Sew Days are my favorite days of the month. There is something so comforting, so inspiring, and so downright FUN in sewing and creating with like-minded people. We welcome new members as well as visitors to all meetings, sew days, and special events like workshops and classes (some include a small fee to cover expenses).

Now, don't let the term "modern" throw you off. We mostly prefer modern fabrics and patterns, but we occasionally throw in some traditional quilting as well as applique and art quilting. We also like to create other crafty items like bags, pillows, and other items. We promote and encourage sewing and creating in whatever form you prefer. At the risk of being's sew FUN! Don't take my word for it - come sew with us. I warn you - it's addictive!

Angie Clemons
Member since 2017

Monday, May 7, 2018

TMQG booth at Quilters Guild of East Texas Quilt Show

The Quilter's Guild of East Texas so kindly allowed us to have a booth this year at the 2018 Azalea Quilt Show.  We were so excited to have the space to promote our guild and let quilter's know about the modern quilters in town.
 We decorated our booth with mini and small quilts made by members of our guild and with a few lawn chairs from my porch. :)  
There was a wonderful turnout for the quilt show and our volunteers stayed busy all day Friday and Saturday talking to people about modern quilting and the Modern Quilt Guild.  Thanks so much to Amanda Hines and Heather Grant for the promotional materials from the MQG for our booth!!  We gave out tons of cards and got so many emails to add to our newsletter list that we ran out of spots on the paper to write them!
Thanks to all the volunteers from our guild who manned the booth to promote our group.  And a special thanks to Ruben Gutierrez, Ben Harvey and David Harvey for helping with set up and take down.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Quiltcon 2018 Pasadena California

Quiltcon 2018 has come and gone. Our guild was lucky to have four members who were able to go.   And of course, our first Quiltcon Charity Quilt.

I think each of us noticed different things about Quiltcon this year.  Like the increase in big stitch hand quilting, the use of variegated threads for quilting, and even some quilts that were tied.  I was able to go to a leadership panel where I learned so much about other guilds.  And as usual, the classes were awesome.

Here are just a few quilts that I particularly enjoyed.  I hope I have the credit page for each quilt and I will post those as well.  For more Quiltcon quilts, please check out
 I didn't get the credit page for this lovely tied quilt.  So sorry to the maker.

 I think my very favorite was the "I am Enough" quilt by Jessica Levitt.  It's a sentiment most of us need to hear but never do.  We need to practice telling ourselves this as well as telling others.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Serger Workshop

Happy March!! It's almost Spring!

And this coming Saturday is SEW DAY and also St. Patrick's Day and also Angie's Birthday!!  You didn't hear it from me. ;)

March's Sew Day is also our Serger Workshop day.  I know a lot of us have been looking forward to this for some time.  Our instructor's name is Cathy Pierce.  The class will begin at 12:30 but please try to be there by noon to set up your work station.  
**The class fee for non-TylerMQG members will be $10.

These are the instructions for the class with what to bring and everything.

If you don't want to participate in the class, that's ok!  Please don't miss sew day.  We have plenty of room at TASCA for everyone!

For Questions, please contact Rhonda Chapman @
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Sunday, February 18, 2018

February Meeting

Our February meeting will be on Thursday, February, 22, 2018 starting at 4:30 and ending at 7:30.  Same bat time, same bat channel :)

It is not canceled.  

New Year, New Leadership and Lots of Plans!

Hello Modern Quilters!
Let's start off the new year with a recap of January's events.

January 2018 started out with a change in leadership for our guild.  Tricia Harvey stepped down as President, for medical reasons, after forming the original group and being the leader and then guild President for 3 1/2 years total.  
Susan Gutierrez, our faithful Vice President (I) moved into that position per the guilds by laws at the first TMQG board meeting of the year.
Tricia requested to be voted in for Vice President (I) whose duties include communication and social media, by the board.  The board voted Tricia in by a unanimous vote.

Our January Sew Day was held January 20th where we had 2 guests and one of them joined our guild.  Everyone welcome Mendy Brittian when you see her at the next meeting or Sew Day.

Teri Brooks and Melanie Dossey showed the completed Quiltcon Charity Quilt and it was awesome!!  Everyone involved did such a wonderful job.  We are proud that it will  be hanging at Quiltcon Pasadena this year.  

Tricia Harvey announced that the board has decided on 3 charities to support this year.  The first is Covered In Love, Kat Drinkwater's charity to provide quilts to patients of ETMC who will die while they are there in the hospital.  The quilts provide comfort to the patients and families and help to cheer the room.  The block requested for each month will be showcased here on this blog and at our meetings.  We will collect all blocks made and send them to Kat in one package.
The second charity is TASCA - Tyler Area Senior Citizens Association.  We have been asked to provide handmade items for prizes for their game nights, auctions and raffles.  
The third charity is the Small Kennel Quilt Project. We will be providing 12 x 18 inch finished kennel pads for small animals that are in shelters.  Some have been displaced by hurricanes, wild fires, or floods.  Donations of batting and cheerful fabric are always welcome.  Susan will have the box of precut batting and fabrics at our Sew Days for anyone needing a quick project to work on.

**Please be sure to show the charity projects you have completed each month during show and tell.**

Teri Brooks announced our Skill Builder Quilt for this year.  It is the Modern Sunset Quilt from  This is for everyone to work at their own pace and you can complete as few or as many blocks as you'd like.  Bring them to Sew Day if you need help.

Susan reminded us that Maker Faire is coming up on Saturday, April 28th and we will have a booth there again with several sewing machines, teaches children and adults how to make a 4 patch block.  We hope everyone will be excited to volunteer for this great community teaching project.  There will be sign up sheets at future meetings.

Show and Tell:

Our Program tonight was a Modern Approach to English Paper Piecing taught by Beckey Prior and Rhonda Chapman.