Some of the guild members did some fabric dyeing at yesterday's sew day. They lost their marbles during the marbling process and ended up with numerous lovely pieces of uniquely dyed fabric. It really was cool, and great that the guild makes these opportunities to play, experiment with, and learn new aspects of our craft! They had fun and I appreciated the opportunity for puns about dying and marbles. They must have loved the puns because they were dyeing with laughter. 😂 I didn't participate. 1. It's messy. 2. It was hot outside. 3. I was afraid I would enjoy it. You see, I'm one of those people who, if I'm into something, will have to acquire every tool, book, dye, gadget, and fabric that anyone even mentions I might need. Case in point: my sewing room full of every ruler, precut, fabric line, rotary cutter, scissors, book, pattern, and machine someone mentioned I might need for quilting. First thing I did when I got home was order the led light strip like Mendy had on her machine. Wow! It was bright like a mini landing strip! I can't wait till it gets here on Tuesday. It's a sickness.
Three of us actually sewed on sew day. I chain pieced some HSTs from a kit I purchased from Bluprint after Cynthia mentioned I might need a membership (one of three kits purchased). Curses on her! It had been awhile since I chain pieced. What a great way to completely zone out! Bzzzt. Bzzzt. Bzzzt. Until my bobbin ran out of thread. I ran 2-3 pieces through before I noticed. Aggravation!!! I won't go into what might have happened or been said, but everyone in the room knew my bobbin was empty. Oops. No, I didn't cuss, but they knew. At first I found it irritating that my Pfaff beeps when the bobbin gets low but now I'm spoiled to it. My "travel machine" somebody told me would be helpful to have so as not to mess up my home machine, doesn't beep. I'm never satisfied.
Really cool things from sew day:
* Listening to the excitement and discussions of learning from the group dyeing fabric. There were rookies and veterans working with the dye and it was fun listening to the exchanges of information and ideas when they came in to cool off and clean up.
* Sewing with Mendy and Janis. Just...sewing with friends. I love it.
* Seeing Kate showing her finished quilt top. An example of what it's all about. Kate hasn't been quilting very long and to see her progress and the pride on her face is FUN. I love that this group is so encouraging and supportive whether you're a beginner or lifetimer.
* Having two used-to-be members re-up their memberships, and two potential new members come check us out. Thanks, Janis for being a great ambassador to the visitors.
* Laughing. Lots of laughing. An atmosphere of learning and creating with a group of friends who want nothing more than to see you enjoy what you're doing and have success doing it. I almost tear up thinking about it. What a gift.
As always, we missed the ones who weren't there Saturday and hope everyone can attend next time. Sew day really is Sew Fun! *giggle*. That is sew cheesy!!!! Lol!
May your bobbin be full, may your fabric be pressed.
And know that our Guild is always the best!
-Angie Clemons
Choose Kind (even if you have to chew your tongue outta your own head sometimes) 😁😇