Thursday, May 2, 2019

A Group

In my perfect world I would make all the decisions and people would happily do what I tell them, and all of my choices would be perfect and correct. Since my world isn't perfect and I can't even get the best of my friends, or family, to buy into my plan, I'm in a constant state of trying to get along with people who function differently than I. Some days are real beatdowns! Lol! 
When I retired I needed to choose something I enjoy that would fill my days, be productive, and provide an outlet for creativity. Daddy had always stressed productivity and Mother was, as an art teacher, all about creativity. I was also leaving a workplace that was my social network. Turns out the saying "out of sight out of mind" is a real thing. Work friends are not necessarily life friends once the common bond is no longer common. So...I needed some more friends! I wish I could remember how I learned of the modern quilt guild but I can't. I got my friend Dee to go with me to our first meeting and we ended up joining. 
So here I am, a non-joiner, joining a group. Whewww. Joining is way out of my comfort zone. I'm still adjusting after two years. It's probably that old "my perfect world" thing. I'm learning. Slowly. It's easy to sit back and criticize or complain, much more difficult to jump in and provide help to leadership by suggesting solutions for things with which I disagree. Pfffft! The most difficult thing for me is acceptance that I'm not calling the shots, will never call the shots, and shouldn't call the shots. Lol! My other struggle is the realization that it's up to me to get along with others in the group, and that not everyone is going to want me as their bestie. (Even as I write this I'm wondering why ever not?) I don't want to become the Debbie Downer of the group, and I don't want to be the one sitting alone because all I do is complain. I would be creating my own hell! I'm learning to play nice with others. My first grade teacher is probably thinking (from the grave) "finally!" I guess this rambling paragraph is about personal accountability for where and how I fit into the group. I'm the only one on God's green earth who is responsible for my happiness, successes, or contentedness. Pretty sure I just made up a word. 
There are many benefits to belonging to a group with a specific mission. I've learned so much from my creative and talented friends! I have purpose (making quilts), I have creativity (making purdy quilts), and I have new friends! WINNING!
When you're choosing what to be...choose kind. And don't forget to be kind to yourself while you're at it!
-Angie Clemons


  1. Awesome sauce! I am so glad that I get to call you my friend, and many others since finding this guild. Great read once again!

  2. We are lucky to have you. When I first came to Texas I thought I wouldn't make any friends, and you allowed me to be your friend. Thank you. ❤❤❤

  3. Hey, I thought I was the only one who had those thoughts. Guess we are more alike than different. Although I have work friends that have remained dear friends for over 30 years, and the ones I could care less about have slipped into that void in my mind where I say...who was that? Did that really happen? Did I imagine that/them? LOL. Yep. The ones I keep are the ones I want. And if they don't want me back, toodle loo, life is too short.

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