WOW! What a year! And what a difference a few months can make in the attitude, outlook, and growth of the Guild! Our membership has swelled, we hosted a successful first quilt show, some had a great trip to Quiltcon, we're enjoying the friendship and support of the Quilters Guild of East Texas, we had amazing programs from quilt judge Marilyn Hardy and quilter Nancy Gibson, greatest sew days ever, and strong, loving friendships that will last a lifetime. AMAZING! We are scheduled to have officer elections this week which will continue the growth and improvement of the Guild. I encourage our members to come be a part of the process.
Growth never comes without a few pains. Change is hard, but soooo worth it. In all groups there are leaders, worker bees, and innocent bystanders (I changed this term six times trying not to be offensive or accusing). Our officers are our leaders. Our president, who took over last spring, has led through her philosophy and actions. Rhonda [Chapman] deserves a medal. I'm pretty sure being president of our guild is preparing her for a new career in, maybe, cat herding. As a membership we're all over the place! LOL! The other officers, Kate Bynum, Terri Morris, Mendy Brittian, and Cynthia Chaney have served well, too. I'm excited about the coming year to see where the Tyler Modern Quilt Guild will go from here.
In the interest of full disclosure, I'm one of those members who cheers from the sidelines. I'm not a worker bee, I'm not a leader, and I'm sure I frustrate the bejeebers out of others. But, as Popeye said, "I yam what I yam." I pray every night that it really does take all kinds so there will remain a role for me in the guild, and life. I'm that member who will prevent us from ever having 100% participation. I'm doing my best just to be a member as I've never in my life been "a joiner." I'm an independent. I am...Lone Wolf. I am also a hermit. It's exhausting to have agoraphobia and FOMO at the same time!
To the frustration of Guild leadership, I am not alone on the sideline. I wish I could encourage the rest of the sideline members to NOT follow my example, but I know from my own situation that we all do our best as we travel through life. We have members in all stages of life...retired, bread winners, physically challenged, so active they spread themselves too thin. Everyone has their own set of priorities with their own reasons for having them. All I can say is that making the effort to be a more active member does have its rewards. It's time for YOU, with like minded and creative friends. Start small with a sew day (the most funnest thing ever) or a meeting/program. You may not think we notice your absence, but we do.
This will be my last blog for the year. I'm so far behind in preparing for the holidays that it ain't even funny. I have four quilt tops that need to be basted and quilted, and there are still Christmas presents to be made. ACK! I wanted to end the year with a huge thank-you to the Guild leadership. The dedication of Rhonda Chapman to not just lead but to grow the Guild is amazing. Sometimes we take for granted those who make our lives easier and better, and we forget to tell them how important they are to us. Rhonda Chapman, you are important to the Guild but you are even more important as a friend. I'm not always going to agree with you, but I will always love you. Thank you for all you do. Thank you to all the officers who have tended to the business of the Guild, and thank you all for your willingness to serve.
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! The holiday crowds will test your ability to "Choose Kind." LOL! Do the best you can.
-Angie Clemons
In a life full of choices, always choose kind.
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